As we prepare to bid farewell to 2021, I can’t help but recognize the beauty of this fantastic and unpredictable year. Nobody could have prepared us for the disaster that wreaked havoc on the industry in 2020, but the return to live events and reunions shared with industry partners and colleagues is something our team will never forget.
2021 acted as the light at the end of a dark and narrow tunnel, and after a year of daunting changes and an ongoing pandemic, it was the very thing we needed to move forward.
Going Live and Refining New Skills
Like many of our colleagues have experienced, returning to live events began with the feeling of using our rusted muscle memory. It took time to adjust to the swing of things, but overnight our team’s ability to execute event after event returned.
After sharing our excitement and a few tips for executing successful live events, we were fortunate enough to service a multitude of events ranging from golf outings, to Roaring ‘20s corporate celebrations, to bar mitzvahs. Our team even found itself with the honorable task of servicing the 2021 Graduates of the Chicago Fire Department at their graduation celebration.

As an organization, we also made the commitment to refine our expertise in virtual events, and are proud to continue servicing gatherings from dinner parties to virtual company summits. If there’s one thing we can continue our gratitude for, after 2020, it’s our resiliency in growing with the needs of our society.
Reuniting with Industry Partners
In returning back to a new normal, we also found ourselves reuniting with our beloved industry partners and friends. Nothing could have reminded us more of our shared camaraderie as we laughed, hugged, and reminisced on the year we had spent missing evenings of collaboration together in one room.
Between sponsoring organizations and fundraising events, and finding the opportunity to once again network with the industry’s best, we’ve had an eventful year. We are continuously grateful to work with our loyal partners at MPI Chicago, ILEA, NACPO, Choose Chicago, Here’s Chicago, Catering Executives Club of America, and Raising Paddles.
Recognizing the Organization's Growth

2021 could not have been a greater year, and in turn, U.S. Poker & Casino Parties has experienced growth like never before. We have been fortunate to receive the 2021 MPI Award for Hall of Fame Organization, we have welcomed a new and talented Director of Sales, and have even most recently launched our website’s online booking feature for more accessible services.
Our exponential growth and ability to succeed despite the year spent behind a screen simply reflect the tenacity and strength of the team at U.S. Poker. We are proud to look back on this fantastic year, and could not be more grateful for those that make U.S. Poker stand tall.